Version 6 changelog

v6! You can copy your save file from the previous version.

New stuff:

- The heroes airship can now be invaded from the skyzone; bring the fight to team protag!

- 5 more floors of the tower of combats can finally be accessed

- Added 1 dancing mushroom(s) to the following location(s): Sky Waterfall (requires code 078091)

- Added 10 more options for hideout music (11 counting the secret one at spot 0) and colored Yohta Kitagami's tracks orange

- Added a Gerkon trade in the east side of the swamp (must have unlocked Ed) as well as two near the swamp oracle

- Added a move-find item on the world map at the top right (requires code 354774)

- Added a new area just north of Forum Gate with a very cursed world-spanning activity featuring a bunch of party dialog

- Added a skill point orb to the secret castle room full of mimics

- Added a skill point orb where a penguin warrior patrols

- Added another Chillysword minigame zone to kick off the [redacted] easier

- Added code 100406 (start with some holy scrolls and ethers)

- Added Demonlords Sangellos & Moggin to the duelyst golem zone

- Added more apples, skulls, fins, and heroes feasts

- Added Slio3 as a secret combat encounter

- Added two chests to the skyzone that only open when you have a high secret point count

- Brahms now warns when it might be too early to attack V Castle

- If you get walled out of Avalon, Brahms mentions a solution

- Map count up to 254!

- The eastern secret spring now has a slight visual tell where in the forest it is

- The RM2K font used is now included in the zip and can be installed if font issues happen

Balance changes:

- Aqua twice as likely to be in the tavern after buying from him

- David learns skills in a slightly different order

- Easy/Normal modes are slightly easier (one example: automatic full/small heals after boss battles)

- Guard vision is reduced by 1 on easy/normal

- Guards are slightly less effective at chasing

- Guards now only turn 90 degrees instead of sometimes doing a 180

- Holy Glasses can be bought from a few places now such as the secret shop

- IntoTheWoW's herbal mate tea rewards tripled

- It now only takes 4 secret points to sneak around sky zone early game

- Minor adjustments to several skills, items, and enemies

- Reduced the overwhelming amount of text on the opening splash screens

- Secret points can get you into NG+ quicker

- Shadowfang's wisps are less bs

- Slightly sped up text in most chapter 1 scenes

- Tag minigame no longer requires secret points and has an escape

- "Turban Guy" now always appears, requires fewer skulls, and will attempt to peddle you glasses

Bug fixes:

- Crawsus roofs now unpathable

- David now appears in the hideout when recruited

- Destroying the desert town no longer causes the coastal town to be on fire

- Exolix now appears on the boat if in the party

- Finally replaced some defence with defense

- Fixed an awful noise that was happening in the cave of elemental evil on some devices

- Fixed an issue causing the party to be teleported to the first town after changing the party

- Fixed an issue where the 3rd tier of mana drain could not be learned (visiting and exiting the skill select will grant you it if bought already)

- Fixed an issue where W's memento wouldn't appear or disappear

- Fixed an issue where you could not progress past the 16 floor of the sky tower

- Fixed Geth's dialog post-dragon going off about non-existent plot threads

- Fixed some text and typos

- Josh is no longer incorrect on where to destroy a phylactery

- Jump shoes now work in the steel dungeon

- Made it possible to get to the global potion in the coral river

- The gerkon fishfolk can now properly do a fetch quest instead of getting stuck with intro dialog

- You can no longer sneak around Zealotlee's road block (you can still fight him instead of doing his quest though)

Files 46 MB
Dec 24, 2023

Get Villain RPG

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